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the happy-smoke blog for vapers (german only)

Here you will find texts about the e-cigarette, which are intended to be as informative as possible, but sometimes simply entertaining. 

Sorry guys, available in German only at this moment.

Here you will find texts about the e-cigarette, which are intended to be as informative as possible, but sometimes simply entertaining.  Sorry guys, available in German only at this moment. read more »
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the happy-smoke blog for vapers (german only)

Here you will find texts about the e-cigarette, which are intended to be as informative as possible, but sometimes simply entertaining. 

Sorry guys, available in German only at this moment.

Die warme Sommerzeit lädt ein zum entspannen – und da darf natürlich die E-Zigi nicht fehlen! Um das grösstmögliche Dampfvergnügen zu erleben, gilt es ein paar Tipps zu beachten.
Wenn einer eine Reise tut - dann tut er sehr gut daran, vorher abzuklären, ob die E-Zigarette im Reiseland erlaubt ist. Hier eine Aufstellung, die aber gut geprüft sein will.